Edge on and incite positive change.

“We believe in enhancing intelligence and character – that is the goal of our education.


Melissa A. Ugarte

Executive Director

About the Executive Director

Melissa Ugarte, an educator for almost two decades, and her trusted mentors and advisers, envisioned educational and workplace programs that effectively focus on productive communication strategies that foster healthy learning and working environments.


In understanding the need to bring social-emotional learning to schools and workplace settings, Melissa spent 365 days creating an all-inclusive limited liability corporation that offers training, language and frameworks for how adults can nurture productive climates and how students can be expected to interact and behave in school. The Educated Edge, LLC, believes that programs with a strong relational focus will deliver successful outcomes.


Melissa has held positions in counseling, behavior management, and leadership. She earned a Bachelor’s in Social Work, a Master’s in Restorative Practices, and is a licensed trainer and instructor for both the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP) and Nonviolent Crisis Prevention Intervention Program. Melissa’s agency is contracted by organizations across the country to enhance relationship capacity in youths and adults.

  • We are change-agents with master degrees and licenses in our strategies
  • We are deeply rooted in educational practices, having served school communities as teachers, school counselors, and trusted leaders
  • We practice what we preach by building reliable and collaborative relationships with educational stakeholders (administrators, teachers, students, and parents)
  • We are the only Rhode Island company supported by IIRP
  • We know and understand the populations we serve



What separates us from other climate and culture professionals?

        In my seven years of teaching, I have never been introduced to the sort of training and practices that Melissa Ugarte brings to a school community. As a consultant, she trained our staff in relationship development, classroom strategies, and set up an effective response system to address misbehavior. Melissa was consistent and reliable in her modeling and coaching of staff. She has a fun sense-of-humor, and appropriately balances a firm and supportive stance with faculty, students, and families.


Joseph Blair

Teacher & Union Representative,

Providence Schools, RI






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©2020 The Educated Edge, LLC



Building and restoring communities, one conversation at a time.